epub |eng | 2016-04-28 | Author:A. L. Bird [Bird, A. L.]

Chapter 36 As I take the mug from him our hands touch. There’s a frisson, like an electric shock in my spine. I jerk my hand back. The mug slips ...
( Category: Dentistry May 7,2016 )
epub |eng | 2013-04-08 | Author:Al Reader, John Nusstein & Melissa Drum

Fig 3-29 High tuberosity approach to the second division nerve block places the needle around the posterior maxilla until the needle enters the pterygopalatine fossa. IN CONCLUSION, a second division ...
( Category: Medicine July 20,2015 )
epub |eng | 2013-11-11 | Author:Stephen J. Bonsor, BDS(Hons) MSc FHEA/Gavin J. Pearson, PhD BDS LDS [Bonsor, Stephen J.; Pearson, Gavin J.]

• The setting of the material will be slow unless the tray is cooled efficiently. • The tray should be removed with a snap rather than easing the impression out ...
( Category: Dentistry November 12,2014 )
mobi |es | 2010-12-11 | Author:Morris West

Capítulo Ocho Con miras a prepararse para su entrevista con Steffi Guillermin, Rossini había convenido en tener una sesión preparatoria de media hora, en la Sala Stampa, con Ángel Novalis. ...
( Category: Marketing & Sales November 11,2014 )
epub | | 0101-01-01 | Author:Gomella

considered early. There are a few reports (albeit uncontrolled) suggesting that the use of HFO is of benefit and may even prevent some neonates from requiring extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). ...
( Category: Pediatrics September 15,2014 )
epub |eng | 0101-01-01 | Author:Amanda Martin [Martin, Amanda]

When a week had gone by and she still hadn’t heard from Marcio, Helen found her conversation with Sharni reverberating round her mind like an irritating song that wouldn’t shift. ...
( Category: Cars, Trains & Things That Go March 26,2014 )
mobi |eng | 2012-05-06 | Author:The Becoming

Chapter Twenty-Two Once past the rock, the tunnel entrance yawns open. There are lights here. Electric lamps hang on hooks that stretch past my line of sight like a string ...
( Category: Paranormal & Urban March 25,2014 )
mobi, epub | | 1991-01-29 | Author:Douglas Adams

Blind Panic Assumptions are the things you don't know you're making, which is why it is so disorienting the first time you take the plug out of a wash basin ...
( Category: Wildlife March 25,2014 )